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Metal Hammer 02/2013

Metal Hammer 02/2013

Riverside, Voivod, Hammerfall, Stratovarius, Rotting Christ, Hate, Believe, Anti Tank Nun, Pig Destroyer, Nightfall, TuneRiverside, Voivod, Hammerfall, Stratovarius, Rotting Christ, Hate, Believe, Anti Tank Nun, Pig Destroyer, Nightfall, Tune


Zgrzyt 3
Hard Fax 4
Riverside 8
Bullet For My Valentine 12
Hammerfall 14
Rotting Christ 16
Holy Grail 18
Studio Raport: Anti Tan Nun 20
None 22
Pig Destroyer 23
Nightfall 24
Heaven & Hell 26
Voivod 28
Hate 30
Porozumienie Ponad Podziałami 40
Lao Che 42
Semantik Punk 44
Mało Znane Mało Grane 46
Album Miesiąca 47
Recenzje 48
Tune 54
Blade Loki 56
Myly Ludzie 57
Stratovarius 58
Studio Raport: Believe 60
Enforcer 62
Necrowretch 64
Out Of The Darkness 65
Die Young 66
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