Metalmania Festival - full line-up revealed!
Exhorder is a band that doesn't require special recommendations for any fan of thrash metal. They are considered progenitors of the groove-oriented thrash sound that was later made famous by bands such as Pantera, Lamb of God, White Zombie, and Machine Head. Their debut album „Slaughter in the Vatican” (1990) has been regarded as a large influence on the New Orleans metal scene. The band's most recent album "Mourn to the Southern Skies" was released on September, 20th. The show at Metalmania Festival will be their first concert in Poland!
Turbo - one of the most important bands on the Polish heavy metal scene. „Kawaleria Szatana”, Turbo's most famous album, is considered a magnum opus of Polish heavy metal. Their last studio album entitled "Fifth Element" was released in 2013. In 2020, the band will celebrate fortieth anniversary! They will prepare a special set for their performance at Metalmania Festival.
Monasterium - heavy/doom metal band from Kraków, Poland. "Church of Bones", their second studio album released earlier this year, is a real masterpiece of the genre. The band was well received also outside of Poland and in the past months was invited to the biggest European doom metal festivals.
ROSK - a post metal band from Warsaw, Poland. Their debut album "Miasma" was released in 2017. Atmospheric post-metal mix with ambient was well received by fans and journalists. Their sophomore album entitled "remnants" is scheduled for release on November, 7th. "Death is still a leitmotif, however this time, it does not reach for masses, entire communities, but concentrate on one person" - the band announces. "We focus on the atmosphere of reflection and mourning, the instrumentation also changed - heavy, overdriven guitars are replaced with acoustic guitars and violins, instead of furiously screaming vocals, clear, melodic chants can be heard, and the percussion/bass noise is replaced with minimalism and space. We are telling a new, more intimate story."
Previous edition of Metalmania Festival took place on April, 7th 2018 in Spodek Hall in Katowice, with Emperor, Napalm Death, Asphyx or Destroyer 666 among the bill.
Metal Mind Productions
AT THE GATES ("Slaughter of the Soul" 25th Anniversary Set)
Gates open: 12.00
Start: 13.00
Tickets 180 PLN available here:
http://shop.metalmind.com.pl (COLLECTOR’S EDITION)
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