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Archeon - worldwide premiere of the debut album!

Archeon - worldwide premiere of the debut album!

Metal Mind Productions presents ?End Of The Weakness? - Archeon's debut album. Influenced by Johann Sebastian Bach as well as In Flames, Archeon creates songs which are heavy but, at the same time, melodic, diversified and easy to listen. The band perform with great precision and technique and their music wins them very positive

Metal Mind Productions presents ?End Of The Weakness? - Archeon's debut album. Influenced by Johann Sebastian Bach as well as In Flames, Archeon creates songs which are heavy but, at the same time, melodic, diversified and easy to listen. The band perform with great precision and technique and their music wins them very positive feedback of the audiences from Europe and North America.
The album will be released in Europe on the 21st January 2008 and on 18th March 2008 in USA (via MVD).

?End Of The Weakness?

Label: Metal Mind Records
Cat. No.: MMP CD 0561
Barcode: 5907785031197
Format: CD
Genre:  metal
Release date: 21.01.2008 Europe / 18.03.2008 USA


1. Arising
2. Day Of The Doom
3. Dead World
4. Queen Of The Night
5. Struggle With Death
6. Lost Fool
7. Ruins Of Life
8. Prayer
9. Hungarian Dance

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