Koncerty Slipknota odwołane
Slipknot, przygotowujący się do premiery nowej płyty "All Hope Is Gone", został zmuszony do odwołania występów na sierpniowych festiwalach. Powodem jest kontuzja kostki Joeya Jordisona. Poniżej publikujemy pełne oświadczenie grupy:
To Our Fans:
It is with huge regret and disappointment that we have been forced to cancel our imminent European festival appearances at Leeds, Reading, 2 Days a Week, Area 4, as well as exclusive performances for MTV Europe and Virgin TV. The other night, Joey Jordison broke his ankle and doctors have advised Joey to stay off his leg for 4-6 weeks to prevent further injury or permanent and more serious damage.
We know you will be hugely disappointed and so are we. Canceling shows is never an easy decision and we apologize to all our fans, friends and family for not being there to throw down with you. We will be back in Europe this November and can't wait to see you all then.
Stay (sic),
Przypominamy, że najnowsza płyta zespołu już 25 sierpnia.